Former Jays ignite Puerto Rico in the 8th

It's an excitement moment: Carlos Delgado's first at bat in the WBC! Jose Cruz Jr. is on first… also a former Jay. Delgado's first swing is… a single! Beautiful swing, just beautiful. Nice big smile, too. :) Cuba leading Puerto Rico 4-3… but the ball is bobbled, and PR has the bases loaded!

UPDATE: Alex Cintron hit into a double play, and so we got to the ninth. This has been a thrilling game!! 

UPDATE: Cuba shuts out PR in the ninth and wins it, 4-3. I'm sad to see PR out, but that was a great game nonetheless! 

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BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Sam,

    The Nats are dropping like flies(gnats, maybe)! First Guzman and now Ayala. What are we going to do now?

  2.    rick, March 17th, 2006 at 5:31 pm
  3. Ouch! I was worried when Ayala was pulled from the game the other night, and now I've just read the dreaded news. This is not a good way to enter the season! Without much trade bait, it's hard to see how this might affect the roster.

    Clayton's been great in the field for the Nats in spring training, but very light on the bat. So far though, that's an improvement over Guzman.

    On the topic of injuries: Burnett was just pulled in the second inning! No word yet on the nature or severity of the injury.

  4.    Sam Stevens, March 18th, 2006 at 11:09 am

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