Postseason eligibility lists set: 2 days, 21 hours, 33 minutes

Trade deadline rumor roundup

Today's the day! As the non-waiver trade deadline quickly approaches rumors about players being sent packing are flying about furiously. I tend to refer to Ken Rosenthal and MLB Trade Rumors the most during the Hot Stove. Here are the latest and greatest trade rumors:

Eric Gagne could be headed to the Mets, while his chances of landing with the Yankees or Red Sox appear to have declined. The Brewers also recently threw their hat into the Gagne pool. After all is said and done though, he may just end up staying in Texas.

Jermaine Dye is another big name who might be headed to Boston. No deal yet, but it could still happen provided Dye is pleased with the financials and playing time.

Joe Blanton has received interest from the Dodgers, who made a strong push to acquire the right-hander from the A's on Monday, but no deal was struck. Amoung the names LA tossed out: 3B Andy LaRoche, SS Chin-Lung Hu, 2B Tony Abreu and RH reliver Jon Meloan.

Troy Glaus is available, for the right price. He has a no-trade clause, but would surely waive it for a return to the Angels. The Yankees and Rangers are two other teams that could spot Glaus at 1B and take advantage of his hefty bat.  

Mike Lamb is drawing strong interest from the Padres, who would prefer his bat over Mark Loretta's.  

Morgan Ensberg could wind up in Minnesota, but the interest is minimal and the Twins would prefer Bambi-eatin' Clint Barmes.

Jack Wilson is almost certainly going to become a Tiger, but if that falls through, Detroit might enter the sweepstakes for Barmes. 

Sammy Sosa and is lefty mashing would fit in nicely with the Mets, but is garnering little interest from any team. 

Bronson Arroyo might find himself in Atlanta. The Braves are shopping Jo-Jo Reyes for the Reds pitcher.

Jason Jennings has been scouted by the Phillies this week.  

Relievers. There is a big pool of relievers that could be dipped into by the Mariners, Mets, Phillies, Tigers, Indians and Rockies. The biggest names here are Kyle Farnsworth of the Yankees; Chad Cordero and Jon Rauch of the Nationals; Russ Springer and Troy Percival of the Cardinals, Chad Qualls and the "untouchable" Brad Lidge of the Astros; Al Reyes and the just-acquired Dan Wheeler of the Devil Rays; and Brian Fuentes of the Rockies.

The Mets have apparently offered Philip Humber in exchange for Cordero.  Boston is also on Jim Bowden's radar–he love to get Wily Mo Pena. In defense of Wily Mo, I'm pretty confident that he could become a solid masher if he was simply given regular playing time. The Diamondbacks might also try to acquire Cordero and might offer up OF Carlos Quentin.

Still on the Nationals train, Bowden is apparently trying hard for Adam Dunn. Kearns, Dunn, Willy Mo… it looks like Bowden is trying to rebuild the Big Red Machine… in DC. 

Scott Procter has apparently just been traded to the Dodgers for INF Wilson Betemit.

That's the Rumor Roundup! This is easily one of my favourite days of the baseball season!!

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