MLB Gameday Audio / WMP issues fixed!

For several weeks now, I've been unable to listen to Gameday Audio on my main workstation (but no problems on my iBook or my other WinXP machine). I've been trolling the MozillaZine forums to try and find an answer and today I finally found one!

The problems started when I upgraded to Firefox This contained a bug that broke compatibility with MMS streaming, which is what,, and use for audio and video streams. Mozilla quickly released version to squash the bug, but my computer never recovered. To boot, the Firefox upgrade also killed Windows Media Player functionality in Internet Explorer!

Well, let's get into the good stuff–the fix!

  1. Remove a registry key for Windows Media Player:
    Start > REGEDIT > remove HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MMS\shell\open\command
  2. Unstall WMP 10 (or rollback):
    Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Show Updates > select WMP 10. Reboot.
  3. Uninstall ALL Windows security upgrades for Windows Media.
  4. Download and install WMP 10:
  5. Presto, load up and check out some A/V action! 

Thanks to the MozillaZine community!

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