Non-waiver trade deadline: 8 days, 2 hours, 6 minutes

Sosa says it's about respect

Some news has finally broke about yesterday's meeting between the Nationals and Sammy Sosa's agent, Adam Katz. Sosa has not decided if we will sign, but has made it known that he wants at least double what the Nats have offered him. According to the slugger, the pivotal issue is respect: there are only four other players in all of major league baseball who have hit more homers. When you put it that way, The Nats offer does seem awfully low. If he doesn't get his base target of $1 million, it's possible that Sosa will chose to sit the '06 season out. My guess is that Bowden will be sweetening the deal–I think he really wants this acquisition to go down.

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  1. Now that Sammy is off the Juice, he deserves no respect (as a hitter, at least.) Just like Giambi, it was easy to see what kind of a player he would have been without steroids. And, as for Giambi, with the way his season turned around in the 2nd half last year, I suspect he has found a steroid that is currently undetectable. Once a juicer, always a juicer.

  2.    rick, February 13th, 2006 at 1:45 pm
  3. Judging from the photo they posted of Sammy on, he doesn't appear to have ever stopped juicing:
    Is it just me, or is there's something unhealthy looking about it?

  4.    Sam Stevens, February 16th, 2006 at 7:12 am
  5. Yikes! That's one scary pic!!!

  6.    rick, February 16th, 2006 at 12:37 pm

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