Non-waiver trade deadline: 8 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes

Keeping up with the Gonzalez'

Boston's new shortstop Alex Gonzalez scored the winning run in Venezuela's Carribean series victory last night. This, combined with his recent signing with the Red Sox, has amounted to quite a bit of ink lately for Gonzalez.

Not to be outdone, the other Gonzalez–Alex S. Gonzalez formerly of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays (or should I say Tarpons?)–made some headlines yesterday by reportedly agreeing to terms with the Philadelphia Phillies.

I don't think I'll be the only one comparing these two shortstops this season. I'm hoping the latter Gonzalez finally lives up to those high expectations the Jays had when they drafted him and has a breakout year with his bat. Probably a long shot, but that's the fun of baseball: you just never know what might happen!

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