Jays prediction

J.P. Ricciardi put the Jays back on the map this off-season with a flurry of trades and acquisitions that have Toronto fans salivating for a return to the Jays' early 90s reign of the AL East. The only question mark it seems is the infield: can Russ Adams and Aaron Hill produce at the plate and be a tight defensive duo? The work ethic is certainly there: Adams and Hill have been regularly fielding ground balls in pre-game warm-ups. While I will seriously miss the O-dog (Orlando Hudson) at second, my prediction is that Adams and Hill will both turn out quality seasons and squash the doubts of naysayers. We'll just have to wait and see if I'm right about this one… what do you think?

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BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Hi Sam,

    Here's my 2 cents worth: As long as Glaus stays healthy, and Adams and Hill can hit their weight and not lead the league in errors at their respective positions, it's a great deal for Ricciardi. But, I am not optimistic about their chances. I guess the intangible is whether or not the Jays would have been able to lure free agents - like Molina - without first signing Glaus. As good a Zaun was last year, and as good as he looks in limited play this year, I think Molina is more likely to make a positive contribution for the entire season than Glaus. And, when Glaus goes down to injury, I only hope that Adams and Hill are playing well enough to make us forget that we had to give up the O-dog to get him. Go Jays!

  2.    rick, April 10th, 2006 at 8:36 pm
  3. Once again Rick, you've hit the nail on the head: alot hinges on Glaus and his ability to stay healthy. That being said, I'm rooting for Hill and Adams to inspire a little more optimism from you! :)

  4.    Sam Stevens, April 11th, 2006 at 8:32 am
  5. […] My earlier Blue Jays prediction about Russ Adams and Aaron Hill isn't panning out. Adams has committed 10 errors in 36 games at shortstop, and despite driving in a run wth a double on Wednesday night (and maintaining a .258 BA), he too has been sent down to the minors "to clear his head". John McDonald and Luis Figueroa (from Triple-A Syracuse) will split time at the position for now. […]

  6.    The Baseball Files » Towers, Adams demoted to minors » Baseball Blog, May 25th, 2006 at 7:41 am
  7. […] My predictions earlier this season regarding Russ Adams' and Aaron Hill's potential didn't totally pan out. While Hill had a pretty decent second half, J.P. Ricciardi has publicly asserted that Adams will probably be fighting for a starting position with the 2007 Jays. […]

  8.    The Baseball Files » Russ Adams' starting days numbered? » Baseball Blog, September 21st, 2006 at 11:00 pm

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