Non-waiver trade deadline: 6 days, 7 hours, 52 minutes

Boomer makes lifestyle changes for better health

The Padres' David Wells has revealed that he is battling Type 2 diabetes, but has already taken major steps to beat the disease. Wells, who previously gained notoriety for his bouts with gout and being half drunk on the mound when he pitched his perfect game, has radically changed his diet in the hopes of warding off Type 1 diabetes.

San Diego fans will simply have to hope that Wells sticks to his new regimen if we hope to see him pitching all the way into October this year. After all, he's had problems with his weight for years, but that didn't make him change his ways. He may not be too far from retirement, but here's hoping David Wells stays healthy this year and beyond, paving the way for a dignified entry into the Hall!

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